Originally Posted by RKNOLA
As far as I know, in the United States (at least in Louisiana) once your jacks are down your MH becomes an extension of your home. Your car is also considered an extension of your home. Your state laws may differ, your best bet would be to email your governor or senator and ask about the perimeters for your particular state.
I also keep handy a Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map map (online because laws change often). Even prior to owning a motorhome I used this for travel. I think it's important to know, from state-to-state, what their general carry laws are, if they honor your states CCW, and what their general philosophy is on things like castle doctrine.
An extension of what you said, even if you're jacks are not down, I believe if you are in an established RV Park or camp site, your MH becomes a dwelling. I think it gets murky when boondocking, curtilage and all.