Originally Posted by btritschler1437
John can you send pictures, so I can show them to Randy House next in Goshen. Thanks Bob
Gordon I have yours already.
It is a good idea to discuss this with the Diesel Division directly. Thanks.
I did attempt to correspond with Mitch Wirt on this, but his auto reply indicated that he was out of town. I found the matter so urgent that I decided to proceed without his advice, once I received and read the Lippert Owners and Installation Manuals.
The problem is particularly acute with the 34QS Kitchen slide. This slide is 16 feet long and holds a lot of weight: residential fridge, microwave, cooktop, sinks, Corolan countertop, dinette seats/table and cabinets. It is hard for me to imagine that a 34QS kitchen slide with the Schwintek mechanism will not fail after 200 operations.
Our 34QS was dragging on the floor while closing, and I think this solves the problem.
The fix is easy in the aftermarket and should be done in the factory for new units. Indeed, I seem to recall some mention in this forum that the new 34QS now has a hydraulic kitchen slide. I'm not sure how that works and whether it solves the problem.