Have you heard the saying, "Trust, but verify"? Mine was not marked at all, so I had to measure, tap, use stud finder and repeat all of those things about 47 times! If I was you, I also measure, tap, use stud finder and repeat all of those things about 47 times! If it looks good, I would get a long 1/8" drill bit and drill through. Go outside and check. If you have to move it 1/2" one way or the other, that 1/8" hole will still be within the area and will not be a problem. When I did mine, I realized the vent would be a bit too close to some trim and moved it about 1/2" aft. After all that, start your hole saw from the inside and be careful to stop forward motion the minute it cuts through. The reason I say that? I had a 120 volt electrical cable running right through there! There was enough slack in the cable that I was able to push it up above the hole and tape it there while I cut from outside. You will want to place masking tape on the surface and run the hole saw in reverse to prevent gel coat chipping. You can change direction after you are partway through, but be careful! Good luck!
2012 Cedar Creek 36CKTS Touring Edition
2015 Ford F-350 CC DRW Lariat