I know the air distribution through the vents is absolutely abysmal in my '17' 3010DS. If I open the cold air dump its pushing out hurricane force winds and it cools the Livingroom/Kitchen fairly well but the bedroom is hotter than the hubs of hades. With the cold air dump closed you can barely feel any air coming out of any of the vents and then the whole motorhome is hot.
Very popular mod. It works great. They have lots you can buy, 3d print vents to make, or what I did—-redneck it with foam. Quick search will yield lots of info on the mod on this forum.
I did that mod on both my ducted a/c units and it helped. Then I installed these from KoolRV ($85) and that really helped. Then I took all the vent covers off and taped up all the gaping holes around the vents and even found some foot long cracks in the ducts themselves. After all that, my two a/c units perform much better. I also installed the Wacko silencers ($209) and now they have great flow and are super quiet.
Very popular mod. It works great. They have lots you can buy, 3d print vents to make, or what I did-redneck it with foam. Quick search will yield lots of info on the mod on this forum.
Did the same as @Bob_K4TAX post #11 here. Verified improved airflow with some tape I had hanging down. Already had the foil tape so no additional costs for me.
I know the air distribution through the vents is absolutely abysmal in my '17' 3010DS. If I open the cold air dump its pushing out hurricane force winds and it cools the Livingroom/Kitchen fairly well but the bedroom is hotter than the hubs of hades. With the cold air dump closed you can barely feel any air coming out of any of the vents and then the whole motorhome is hot.
I did that exact mod and it increased the air flow at each vent dramatically. Plus, I used a laser thermal gun to measure the temps at the ceiling vents. I have the A/C set to 75° and the temp inside the vents is ~55°.
Retired IT Professional
20 years (retired) NYARNG
Lifelong Buffalo Bills/Sabres fan, avid golfer
I did the Wacko upgrade and I love it. My AC is far more efficient and it dropped the noise level by a very significant amount. In fact, two of my RV travel friends heard and felt mine right after the install and put them on their ACs also.