191 is currently getting repaved just north of the park so it should be a nice drive pending weather. I just drove it last week and have the rocks and asphalt on my truck as a souvenir, ugh. Lots of turn outs along the river in the wider parts of the valley. Pretty this time of year.
I much prefer 87/287 to 90 regardless just due to it being mostly flat and fewer curves. Plus there is cell coverage unlike being in the valley on 191. If you enjoy "big sky country" type views, this is the route for that in that area.
2021 Flagstaff 21DS
2015 Silverado 2500HD (overkill but convenient)
Renogy bits: 3000W Inverter/Charger, 400Ah LiFePo4, 40A DC-to-DC
Rich Solar bits: 400W of panels, 40A MPPT
Misc bits: LevelMatePro+, SolidRemote based wireless controlled LED storage lighting