Friend lost his by high winds. Found part number on inside track, googled it got the part in about a week from rv supply house, do not remember which one. Cost was about $250, took about hour to replace wuth two people.
2020 Georgetown 31L, Safe T steering, Sumo springs, Onan Geny
2015 GMC Canyon 4X4 TOAD w/Blue Ox tow plates, InvisiBrake
Pepper 🌶 PomChi rescue 565 nights as our camping buddy
Days camped in FR 2011-12 = 77, 13-14 = 98, 15-16 = 129
17-18 = 128, 19-20 = 128, 21 =76, 22 = 57, 23 = 42, 24 = 19
Retired :