The charge from the rv historically does next to nothing.
Your converter is likely not lithium ready. Will need replacing.
If you plan on boondocking then you want the max lithium battery possible. Measure carefully. There are now all shapes of batteries.
My DW discovered Harvest Hosts and the freedom of boondocking several nights near nowhere. We carry Montgomery the guard dog. Airedales come pre trained to guard. Born that way.
A replacement converter should require 5-15 minutes to install. Very easy. And then, there are the others. It is two wires, a ground wire and often a plug, Couple of screws hold it often to the floor.
Get near it and get the model number.
We used SOK 206 ah batteries, 2.
Your current converter will charge your lithium batteries to about 80%.
This is a pretty easy upgrade.
I say that knowing I dropped a battery 1” on my finger removing them. Three hours in the emergency room. But, I finished the installation. Blood on the walls.