Possible Electrical issue?
On a recent 3 week trip we noticed that fairly often the FM radio would fade/cut out when another electrical appliance was turned on/off. For example, use the microwave...radio fades out. Open refer door...radio fades out. Turn on porch light...radio returns to normal. Next time we turn on porch light...radio fades out. No real rhyme nor reason that we could discern to what would cause it to fade out or to return to normal...but the radio change always seemed to occur when some other electrical device (AC or DC) was turned on or off. We've noted no other electrical problems in the RV...only the radio issue. Problem occurred at several different campsites, so I'm not thinking the power source was the issue.
Is this an indication of a radio problem...or possibly a bigger electrical issue? I'm thinking it might be a possible grounding issue either with the radio itself or the converter. Looking for help in deciding where to start troubleshooting.
RV is wired for 50 amp service but we typically use an aftermarket 30 amp cord to hook up as we only have one AC (as of now) so no real need for 50 amp service and the 50 amp cord is very cumbersome.
2014 Wildcat 312QBX
2014 Ford F350 SD 4X4 CC LB 6.7L PSD
Bob & Debbie, USAF Retired