FR Rockwood A122BH - Satellite Radio and Broken Bungee
We just took our FR RP A122BH out for the first time. We loved it. It's our first camper, and we're super stoked. We didn't want something big, but we wanted a ready to go camper with some amenities that were conducive for our climate and active lifestyle. This rig is perfect. It's easy to go, easy to maneuver, and more than enough comfort when we aren't backpacking. It's also going to keep us warm, some flurries today in our town, and offer some protection from bears, etc.
Our only issue on our first outing... the dealer didn't warn us about winds. The a-frame blew past it's upward "A" shape in the high winds. When we pulled it back together one of the bungee's broke. There are two bungee's on each side. From what I can tell, it wraps into a riveted joint and also uses some type of glue to secure it. It doesn't look like something I could fix but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this issue. My dealer will take care of it, but he's 4.5 hours away or about $160 in gas plus time. Any thoughts?
Does anyone have satellite radio on their a-frame? My stereo is in the cabinet just to the left as you open the door. I already want satellite radio, but I wasn't sure where you place an antenna on an a frame. Maybe get an antenna with an extra long cord so the a-frame can expand without pulling on the cord? Maybe just have the antenna loose on a long cord and run it out the door to the top every time? If you have it installed on one side or the other before it pops up, I'd imagine you wouldn't have reception consistently.
"But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom"- Alexis deTocqueville