Originally Posted by 007matman
The awning is typically mounted to the side of the camper through a "C" channel rail. One side of the rail is likely pinched. Using a flathead screwdriver you should be able to pry it open. Then simply slide the awning off. It'll go a lot easier if you have several people to assist on ladders.
Good answer, but maybe the poster needs more detail. I've removed awnings on two trailers.
The typical way to remove the awning is to first unscrew the upper brackets at both ends.
The top hem of the awning will have a 1/8" steel pr plastic rod inside. The hem-with-rod is in the C-channel. Remove the screw in the C-channel that prevents it from sliding.
Now, you need three people. One person is on the roof, pulling the fabric along the C-channel. The other two lift the supports from their sockets at the base of the trailer and march along as the roof person pulls fabric.
Once you have the awning free of the trailer, you have fought half the battle. The awning is maybe 12 or 20 feet long and the supports are six or seven feet long and won't fold flat. So you have this great big U to deal with (in your case it's an L).
When I sold the awning from my 38' Cherokee destination trailer, the buyer came with a 20' flatbed car hauler. It overhung the flatbed by about three feet and the supports stuck out one side nearly two feet. I advised the buyer to not take the end caps off (one of yours is already off) because it would mean rewinding the spring. YouTube videos show you how to do this. It involves putting a vice-grip pliers on the shaft and drilling out the rivets on the endcap (end without the latch/motor).
What is your plan for transporting the broken awning once it's removed from the trailer?