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Old 08-03-2024, 07:13 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2023
Posts: 4
Question No Power to Slide Motor - 2017 Rockwood 8311WS

I am not getting any power to the main rack and pinion slide (dinette & couch) on my 2017 Rockwood 8311WS travel trailer. The 12V 15amp fuse inside the trailer associated with 'S/O' (which I assume means 'slide out' is not blown. No other fuses are blown nor breakers tripped.

Backstory: One day before our last trip, the TP33 touch panel sh*t the bed. Since these panels are a well known issue, Forest River always keeps them in stock so I drove over to Indiana and picked it up. They gave me both the revised TP33V2 touch panel and the associated RSB68 relay board that would replace the RSB66 board that my trailer came with. I simply plugged in the new panel, kept the RSB66 relay board in place (since it is not easy to swap out with the new design change), and everything worked...except my main slide.

I'm not convinced that the relay board needs to be swapped out. All other buttons and functions work. In fact, when I press the 'Slide 1' In/Out buttons, I can hear the relays engage. It simply acts like there is no power to the slide motor. So, I thought that I would first simply check to ensure that the power feeds to the motor(s) are energized when the buttons are pressed. However, the motor(s) must be hidden under the plastic underbelly cover. Furthermore, ALL of the screws to remove the underbelly cover just spin when I try to remove them...UGH!

So, my questions are:
1. Is there a separate in-line fuse that I should first check for the slide motor(s)? If so, where is it located?

2. Where is the motor for the main slide located? Is there just one or more than one?

3. How does a person remove the plastic underbelly cover?

Thanks in advance!
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motor, no power, power, rockwood, slide

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