Originally Posted by tjh31971
I have a 34DS 2021 with the V8 but I am missing the sticker that has the UVM/CCC information on it.
For a motorhome it's called OCCC, Occupant and Cargo Carrying Capacity. The US sticker is supposed to be very close to the entry door. Ours is on the door frame.
The US sticker is created with the fresh tank empty but shows the weight of the water for reference.
The Canadian sticker is created with the fresh tank full and will display in kilograms and also have French wording. This one is usually on the wall behind the driver.
Note that the OCCC figure, while is does include all factory-installed options, is just the starting point. If you bought used then anything the previous owner(s) added will subtract from the factory OCCC but you have no idea how much that stuff weighed. Your best bet is to get the motorhome weighed at a CAT Scale while it's fully loaded up for a trip.