What's your OCCC from the yellow sticker on the door frame?
You can get a clue where the fore-aft CG is simply by realizing that the front axle is rated for 8,000 lbs and the rear axle is rated for 15,000 lbs on the 22K chassis. That puts the CG about 1/3rd of the way between the rear axle and the front axle if both axles are loaded to their GAWR. So closer to the rear axle. Because it has to be.
And there is no storage in front of the front axle so everything that is added will add weight to the rear axle. Every time we have weighed our 22K chassis the front axle has been between 7,020 lbs and 7,240 lbs with two adults up front.
Fully loaded for a trip, emptied completely for a maintenance trip, it doesn't matter. But the rear axle varies almost 2,500 lbs.
As for the vertical CG it's got to be very low already simply because there isn't much weight, comparatively-speaking, that is above the floor level versus at the floor level or below.
If you're concerned about winds hitting the barn door sides adding water isn't going to help much. Stiffening up the suspension with a rear trac bar, better shocks (ones that actually work), and maybe a supplemental rear sway bar will all help. A steering stabilizer and maybe radius rods also will help.
Yes, people are still adding a supplemental rear sway bar to the V8 chassis and anecdotally reporting much less sway.
Also, tanks partially filled will mean a lot of sloshing and that will make the problem worse somewhat. There are no baffles in the tanks.
2020 Georgetown GT5 34H5
2020 Equinox Premier AWD 2.0L/9-speed