Well I knew from looking that this issue isn't uncommon but was hopeful the little slide of the 28SS this wouldn't happen.
However today after grabbing fuel for a trip this weekend and getting ready to hookup and load my trailer I found the start of a crack in the corner of the slide opening.
. Have only taken 1 trip so far of about 500 miles other than the 400 mile drive from the dealer. Coach has 3700 miles on it now based on factory delivery miles as well.
Is it acceptable to drill a small hole at the end to stop it for now while getting in for warranty repair or does the factory frown on that?
I am hopeful my dealer is able to repair it but curious if anyone else has had a dealer repair this issue or has it been a factory repair situation?
Want it fixed properly and painted matched for whatever needs done so its blended in best as possible.
Any info would be greatly appreciated!