We were driving the RV this past weekend and my wife exclaimed that it was much quieter! She realized that we weren't shouting to be heard over engine, road, and wind noise.
Last week I had installed
Hushmat and even though not complete, it did the trick!
I wish I had thought to take a decibel measurement before and after for empirical proof but anecdotally I can tell you it works enough to be noticeable.
Notes on install:
1. I can't take credit for the install as I had my local goto mobile RV guy do it. It took him about 20 hours for his first time. He's mobile here in the Portland,OR / Vancouver,WA area and interested in doing more installs.
2. One of the hardest parts was pulling and prying off the Dynamax carpet that is glued onto the freightliner oem rubber/vinyl flooring mat.
3. It's really sticky/tacky stuff but can be repositioned after application, if done within a couple minutes.
4. Hushmat is pretty thin but there is still a little struggling putting things back and replacing trim. He said he had to slice it a little by the doors to get door molding and step trim back into place.
5. Get a rubber J-hook roller, I think hushmat sells one but I just picked one up at the local hardware, for ensuring good fit and adherence.
6. The only real negative, besides cost, is the foil coating can be a little sharp and I think my installer cut himself on it about 3 times.
We ordered the
Universal Cab package #80030 and it was just enough to do a thorough job of the cab but we didn't have any left over to do the doors so we're going to order another 10-12 square feet worth so I'd recommend you ask them for whichever package has the extra 10 sqft to begin with.
Anyway, the hushmat product, surprisingly definitely helped in our case. It isn't whisper quite but more like a normal commuter vehicle than a big truck and we're happy with it.