Originally Posted by PopUpPop
Hi, curious if anyone is towing a 263BHXL or similar with a Tahoe? Curious what your experience is. Tahoe max is 8300 so plenty there but more interested in the cars performance and any other thoughts around towing experience.
NO way would I tow a 32ft TT with a short wheelbase Tahoe. Also expect a real world loaded tongue weight of 900lbs.
Subtract that 900lbs+100lbs for the WDH+total weight of everyone in the Tahoe+total weight of cargo in the Tahoe, from the Tahoe's payload capacity. It's on the driver's door sticker. You probably won't have anything left over.
Forget Towing Capacity, nearly all 1/2 tow vehicles will run out of payload WAY before reaching the max towing capacity.