Originally Posted by Anderson15
I can only speak to MY experience and I, personally , have no reason to believe otherwise.
I don't pay much attention to hearsay and I don't believe what I read on the interweb. People RARELY tell the WHOLE story, especially when complaining.
I also don't believe that most people REALLY check their tires pre and post trip.
Of course they will say they did...
My experience has been good and my Castle Rocks have performed flawlessly so far. That info I can relay with certainty.
Fantastic for you and your tires performance! -I have no doubt your are in the majority...And I really mean it, for sure most folks are not having tire issues.
You can ignore the interweb reports and any information available. You can ignore the fact that some trailer manufacturers switched to a more expensive tire (that seems odd
) and will not use them anymore. You can examine two different manufacturer's tires side by side (I did but I'm unsure how anyone would come the conclusion that the Castle Rock is a quality tire). You can rely soley on your experience to support your conclusion.
Me? I prefer to gather as much info is available and judge it as a hole, not just one limited experience. Sure, there is some hearsay, some duds who didn't take care of their tires but when manufacturer's switch and reports continue to pile up here and other sites…
When there is this much smoke...
Back to the bolded above in quote and I ask this seriously because I don't understand the bolded or anyone with a view limited to only their experience: If you believe most everyone is a liar and all info on the web is unbelievable...why are you here?