Lippert Electronic Stabilizer Issue
Recently, I've run into a recurring problem. I can extend one set of my Lippert electronic stabilizer, but to extract (bring back up) I have to hit the button/switch repeatedly, and eventually is comes up. My guess is that trick will eventually stop working.
I know I can manually bring it up --- but I find this disturbing. I've read all sorts of things like bring up manually so it "resets" itself, or replace the switch (the newer switch has a rain cover).
The dealer said it could be the motor. They could replicate it, so of course they didn't fix anything. I don't think they tried very hard to replicate it.
I'm going out next weekend and if it continues, I'll try the manual approach, which I read sort orf the stabilizers. Could be horseradish, but worth the try. Replacing the switch looks relatively easy. A new switch was only $40 or so.
Has anyone experienced this? Ideas?
2022 Rockwood Mini Lite 2511s
2020 Ford Expedition XLT - Max Towing