They where used to prevent the slide from accidentally sliding out while traveling. Also folks would for get to remove them when they got ready to put slides out so you can see what kind of damage that would do.They are no longer used and have not had them since my 2011 tt which i never used them then. Don't need them with the improvements made on slides. Later RJD
2020 Shasta Phoenix SPF 27RKSS (sold)
2018 Dodge Ram 2500 6.4 3:73 gearing.(sold) (sold) 2015 Chevy 2500 6.0, 4:10
Traded 2015 30WRLIKS V-Lite
Days camped 2019 62
Days camped 2020 49 days camped 2021-74 2022-40 days 2023 5 days