Originally Posted by The Wolfs
Being a newbie I'm not sure which thread(s) would best suit my question, but I'll start here. When is the best time to clean upholstery? Our grandchildren were with us last weekend and it was a muddy one. I spot cleaned the upholstery & carpet as needed but wondered what the best practice was, at the end of the season or when you get your unit out in the spring. Unfortunately we will have only a few more nights out before we winterize.
Believe carpets especially and to a lesser degree the furniture should be cleaned as soon as soil is noted, or at completion of that trip at most. Both materials will last longer and look better if maintained regularly.
A Bissel combo carpet/upolstering machine works well with the chemicals they recommend. Others make similar tools. Remeber these surfaces see much more traffic and usage than the home due the compactness.