No joke, this just happened...
We have a nice Bar and Grill by my house
Detour Grill and Bar. I know the owner and they have really good food. It's in a commercial type building with a couple other business. One of the other tenants is one of those 'new-age', granola-eating churches where the pastor wears a Hawaiian shirt and sandals, and they play Christian Rock music.
So the wife and I decide to go out to dinner there tonight. While eating, we are subjected to some very loud thumping bass and drums that coming from next door. The owner stops by my table while we are eating and I ask him... "Billy, whats up with this racket?" He (rather annoyed) says, "it's that church next door. They have a youth service every Thursday and I've asked them a half-dozen times to keep the music down, and they just don't care. I'm about the call the cops on them!"
Of course, he just stared at me and could not figure out why I suddenly started laughing so hard. I told him "Billy, did you realize what you just said?" He just shook his head. I said "This is probably the first time in history a bar had to call the cops on a church because the music is too loud".
He was still annoyed, but he did get a chuckle out of it...