2608BS Owners Thread

1. Front Window protective cover when doing long highway runs. Silly or useful?

2. Keyless entry (had "Lock it" brand on motorhome, loved it, is that a good match or is there a better one?

4. X chalks ...does the actual brand really matter much? Prices all over the place.

5. Back up cam. The haloview seems popular but pretty pricey. Do some of the cheaper brands work fairly well? Just need decent.

6. Slinky hose cannisters fit underneath ok and install not too hard?

Anything else that you really like and figured a must

1. I've pulled my trailer that has a front window for over 4k miles. I don't use a cover. So far, no issues
2. I installed a RVLock keyless system on my trailer. It works.
4. I no longer use X-chocks. I got a pair of Safeway One-Step chocks. They reduced the bounce as well as the X-chocks did and are a LOT easier and faster to use.
5. I have the Holoview and am happy with it.
6. I installed a pair of 5" post sleeves from Home Depot with u-shape vinyl gutters inside them. I used beam clamps to attach to the trailer frame with some all-thread and perforated bar. The 5" is large enough for my connection hardware to fit inside the sleeve. The gutters can be used as support for the hose on site. https://www.menards.com/main/plumbi...pe-clamp/335475/p-6698461259109484-c-9424.htm
My FW tank is at the back of my trailer. I located the sleeves under the tank to provide an extra bit of support for the tank.

Finally, the best upgrade I made to my trailer is converting to disc brakes. I had Performance Trailer Braking do the work. Very significant improvement in stopping the trailer... https://performancetrailerbraking.com/
Keyloss door latch size?

Since our trailer has not even started production, anyone mind sharing the size or model for the door keyless locks? There are several cut out sizes, just wondered if someone can tell me which fits these doors so I can order for Christmas presents when I find one on sale. Thank you.

Also we do not like the shower head, the signature is a lot nicer. Amazon sells a lot of the nicer looking ones that are well rated. Anyone have a model they upgraded too that they suggest? Thanks.
Also we do not like the shower head, the signature is a lot nicer. Amazon sells a lot of the nicer looking ones that are well rated. Anyone have a model they upgraded too that they suggest? Thanks.

I don't have an answer for the keyless door lock, but the shower head, a lot of people seem to like the Oxygenics line. They have a number of designs that will work in the 2608BS. I converted to one of these myself, but it was long enough ago that I don't know what specific model it was.

Just ordered our 2025 2608bs.

Congrats! It's a great design.

1. Front Window protective cover when doing long highway runs. Silly or useful?

Front window cover can be useful, but most don't have one.
Extra expense, but it only takes one badly placed rock to make it worthwhile. I don't have one.

2. Keyless entry (had "Lock it" brand on motorhome, loved it, is that a good match or is there a better one?

I don't have one. Yet. Considering it.

3. Bike rake for back. Looking for one with the tire cradles, they are just pedal bikes, not heavy but want a decent quality one for two bikes i can rely on.

That rear receiver hitch will only take so much weight bouncing on it. Be careful with this.

4. X chalks ...does the actual brand really matter much? Prices all over the place.

I have, and use, the BAL X-chocks. Does cut down on bounce, a little fidgety to get in place and removed.

5. Back up cam. The haloview seems popular but pretty pricey. Do some of the cheaper brands work fairly well? Just need decent.

I have an Amitfo. Cheaper than the Haloview, much better quality than the Furrion. YMMV, but I recommend you get one. Does help with backing in, but not real useful for traffic monitoring.

6. Slinky hose cannisters fit underneath ok and install not too hard?

Don't know, I use the rear bumper to store those.

7. Planning on replacing battery with 280 lipo4. Looking for a nice battery box that will fit to replace the factory one. Suggestions?

Dunno, but when you find one, please post it here. I'm still on my original Flooded battery, but want to convert to LiFePO4. Will need a box when I do, I think.

There's a ton of other stuff you can get, ranging from nice to have, to don't leave home without it. We spent a few thousand getting the rig fully outfitted. It all depends on your style of camping.[

Keyloss door latch size?

Since our trailer has not even started production, anyone mind sharing the size or model for the door keyless locks? There are several cut out sizes, just wondered if someone can tell me which fits these doors so I can order for Christmas presents when I find one on sale. Thank you.

Also we do not like the shower head, the signature is a lot nicer. Amazon sells a lot of the nicer looking ones that are well rated. Anyone have a model they upgraded too that they suggest? Thanks.

RVlock sells a couple of versions. I suspect that simply following what they recommend will get you what is right for your rig. Seems, most trailers use one version and Class A/C units another. Only need to consider if you have a left or right swing door.

Similar to Ex-tenter, we converted to an Oxygenics head. Much nicer shower and has great pressure. We liked the Oxgenics so much, we switched our home shower head to one of their units.
Keyloss door latch size?

Since our trailer has not even started production, anyone mind sharing the size or model for the door keyless locks? There are several cut out sizes, just wondered if someone can tell me which fits these doors so I can order for Christmas presents when I find one on sale. Thank you.

Also we do not like the shower head, the signature is a lot nicer. Amazon sells a lot of the nicer looking ones that are well rated. Anyone have a model they upgraded too that they suggest? Thanks.

We used the V4.0 all metal, keyed alike including the compartments. Good Black Friday specials right now
Thanks to all of you for these posts....

I'm waiting for my '25 2608BS to come in.... Bought a '24 2109S last year and after using it a few times I upgraded my tow vehicle, so now I've had the bright idea that more room sounds like a good idea as well...

Nothing about a sound bar that I can find on the order sheet, but I've seen several YouTube videos from other dealers showing '24ers that had a sound bar.

Looks like the shelf under the tv would be a great place for a sound bar, just hoping the new unit comes with a smart tv. I did buy another tv to hang outside, so at least I'm a little ahead of the game.

Definitely plan to do the RV locks and the Oxygenic shower head and I'm considering the magnet version of the windshield cover.....

Now if the dang thing would just get here.... I've been told to expect it the last week of this month or the first week of December.... Not too cold here in Virginia Beach, so I'm hoping to do a shakedown before putting her away for the winter.
I believe on 25 it is built into the bottom of tv. We have same issue as we need to fill in all that room now. If you come up with cool stuff to dress up that area let us know. No sound bar, got rid of floor vents, some new color options, new head board, fridge with freezer on the bottom are all nice changes for this year. If you find a good window cover, let us know. On amazon on the rvlock keypads are on a bit of a sale, hope they get better $ before our trailer shows in the feb or march.
Here's what I found this morning when I went to the Forest River site for the '25 2608BS.... In the "living room description of standard items it says this....

"12V Smart Entertainment TV w/Stereo"

So that leads me to believe the sound bar is indeed in the bottom of the tv.
I am headed over to the dealer later this morning and will try and confirm with my salesman as well.
So our dealership has documented the issues with the awning coming in improperly more often than not & it seems to be a fabric + temperature issue. They are hoping to get the ball rolling on possible recall where needed
Also on another thread saw the change in the Magic chef frig to bottom freezer from top freezer instead of just cutting holes in the back vents. So far the top freezer working ok if set at a 2 and a 3 for us. Will see....
'25 Sound Bar Update....

Went to the dealer today and my salesman and I walked out to a '25 "Mini" they had just gotten in.... Pretty easy to see that the sound bar is now part of the tv along the bottom. Salesman even called his Rockwood rep and confirmed same....

Also found out that my trailer is due to come off the line on December 6th and that it could take anywhere from 10-14 days to get here.... Rockwood rep said that losing the time they take off for Thanksgiving is what affected my production date....Guess I won't be camping in her until at least late March...:banghead:
We bought our 2021 2608 in July this summer and have driven it 2000 miles so far. We are snowbirds and stay in the trailer for 4 months. There are things we have learned so far and changes we have made to make the trailer more livable for us. I would like to share our insights and changes in a couple of posts.

1. Regarding making sure the doors are closed when traveling, we found that the doors will come open, even when shut, from movement on the road. I installed small slide bolts that we lock every time me move.

2. We had the pull out couch in the trailer and we changed that to two Lazy Boy chairs for comfort.
We found the chairs we wanted with the fabric we wanted and ordered them from a furniture place in Hickory NC (furniture capitol of east coast) and picked them up on our way down to Florida this year. By doing it that way we saved 1500.00 over what they quoted us in our local Lazy Boy store.

3. During shakedown trips I found the same leak under the sink and a leak around the water filter.
To make it easier to work on the water filter area and access all the plumbing I reversed the door and made it so it can be easily opened. Under the sink and inside the front storage area I added two 1/2" plywood barriers to separate an area for kitchen storage and outside storage. Under sink are stored cleaning products and a wastebasket. Inside storage area I store all my tools and the hitch head and bars when in storage.

4. Originally, when towing I used the Blue Ox heavy duty towing system that came with the trailer. I had problems with sway with this system and had to readjust weight in trailer to make it better but it never went away.
Left over from my old trailer I had an old Reese load leveling system with sway control bar that I have used for 20 years. I installed that system on this trailer and I didn't have any problem with sway coming down to Florida thru heavy rain this November.


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2. We had the pull out couch in the trailer and we changed that to two Lazy Boy chairs for comfort.
We found the chairs we wanted with the fabric we wanted and ordered them from a furniture place in Hickory NC (furniture capitol of east coast) and picked them up on our way down to Florida this year. By doing it that way we saved 1500.00 over what they quoted us in our local Lazy Boy store.

3. During shakedown trips I found the same leak under the sink and a leak around the water filter.
To make it easier to work on the water filter area and access all the plumbing I reversed the door and made it so it can be easily opened. Under the sink and inside the front storage area I added two 1/2" plywood barriers to separate an area for kitchen storage and outside storage. Under sink are stored cleaning products and a wastebasket. Inside storage area I store all my tools and the hitch head and bars when in storage.

It looks like you have the same recliners we put into our rig, unfortunately we weren't heading to Florida at the time. However, Lay-Z-Boy delivered and installed them to where we were storing the trailer. We can't get the trailer onto our property.
Can you post a pic of the under sink storage area from the inside? I think my trailer has the same basic setup...
Here are the changes we have made to fit our lifestyle.

1.When we go to Florida we need lots of clothes including dresses and suits. We do not use the rear door once we are done traveling so I installed a hanging rail above bedroom door and we hang my wife's long dresses and coats there and store other stuff underneath them.

2. My wife hated making the bed because of the difficulty pushing the covers next to the mattress and the two shelfs on each side of the bed. I took out these shelves and cut them down 1 3/4" to make it much easier to make the bed. (She loves it)

3. For storage of linens and towels we installed a wire shelf 8" deep and 18" wide just inside the bedroom door. To secure this shelf to the wall I use rivenuts. A rivenut kit is only about 40.00 on Amazon and gives you plenty of fasteners for different uses. These rivenuts fasten to the paneling and allow machine screws to be used for a secure mounting that won't pull out. I install these wire shelves upside down so that the lips are up to hold the things on the shelf and secure the shelf with a screw in each corner.

4. For more storage we bought a new medicine cabinet online and again I secured it to the paneling with 6 rivenuts and machine screws.

5. We use the closet next to the door for a pantry and to improve can storage I installed 2 half shelves in the two largest openings.

6. In the cabinet next to the microwave I installed a shelf, we put cookies and thin stuff in the bottom and Chips and bag stuff on the top.


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The one thing I will do when we get home is rebuild the base of the dinette. I am going to make the two bases almost as wide as the seat cushion supports and then make deep drawers that are as long as the seat is, they will have full pull glides 40" long or so. These drawers will then be big enough to hold our toaster oven and crock pot and maybe even big enough to hold our air fryer ( not sure about that)
I would truly suggest going with larger battery bank. I have 2 100amphr lithium with 400watts solar. I live in California. I wish I had more battery. The 12v ref takes about 50-65amps a day.

Yeah I had thought about doing 2 100AH but then decided to go a little bigger with 2 140AH.

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