Interstate makes a zillion batteries.

Most marketed as "marine" are starting batteries, nothing more. True deep cycle battery is what you need and you probably want two for more capacity -- they need to be matched for best performance. Even matched batteries work better with a Off-1-Both-2 switch to isolate them as when paralleled the weaker battery will suck power from the stronger all the time. Run this in either Off or Both. Off isolates them from each other. 1 & 2 settings are less useful.
I see the Lithium battery proselytizers have already descended on this topic.
-- Chuck
lots of good posts about the switching on/off post
OP asked about battery replacement... "Lithium is an option"
none of the "lithium Crowd"... said you have to buy them ...
just how are we to make that happen? Will the OP's screen burst into flames?
I'm happy with my no frills lifepo4 setup ... it works and I will tell anyone that asks
bought everything on the cheap...... using my own money
as a experiment that so far has been great!
unless the original green battery is relatively new... don't add a second battery.
study up and do the math
and don't get a switch. if a battery needs isolation for whatever reason............ Undoing the cable works just as good
BTW for the. why go lithium ... lead acid works just fine crowd.
lead acid did NOT work fine for me.
the type of camping I wanted to do and for the space, weight and charging speed I needed.
Why does the "lead acid" peoples think lithium crowd should NOT speak up?
The biggest factor was price.... lifepo4 is so affordable now
if someone wanted to just extend their ability to camp for a weekend ... swapping to a single lifepo4 can work..
More power needed?... get bigger and more batteries... there are sizes to suit a lot of different needs.