Boy oh boy have we been busy here in the back room of FRF!
That statement by the owner of Camping World has gone viral on the interweb! Or at least it's viral on ALL the RV groups!
It really touched a nerve in a lot of people.
We understand, and we're not saying whether we disagree. But at the end of the day, it is political...and political threads get ugly, every single time. EVERY time. That's why our guidelines state no political posts allowed.
Our demographic here on the forums is very mixed. We have liberals, conservatives, independents, as well as a high number of Canadian members who could care less about our politics in the US.
For every member who thinks it's their duty to bring into the forums, this emotional highly charged political statement from the CEO of Camping World, we are getting an equal number if not more complaints from members not wanting to see it in our forums. It's working us overtime, both ways.
IF you don't know what we're talking about you can easily google it.
This is fair warning- any post that refers to that issue (or just about any other hot button political post) will be pulled as soon as we spot it. No warning. No private message. It's just gone.
Please help us keep the peace here in the family friendly Forest River Forums.
Your FRF Site Team
That statement by the owner of Camping World has gone viral on the interweb! Or at least it's viral on ALL the RV groups!
It really touched a nerve in a lot of people.
We understand, and we're not saying whether we disagree. But at the end of the day, it is political...and political threads get ugly, every single time. EVERY time. That's why our guidelines state no political posts allowed.
Our demographic here on the forums is very mixed. We have liberals, conservatives, independents, as well as a high number of Canadian members who could care less about our politics in the US.
For every member who thinks it's their duty to bring into the forums, this emotional highly charged political statement from the CEO of Camping World, we are getting an equal number if not more complaints from members not wanting to see it in our forums. It's working us overtime, both ways.
IF you don't know what we're talking about you can easily google it.
This is fair warning- any post that refers to that issue (or just about any other hot button political post) will be pulled as soon as we spot it. No warning. No private message. It's just gone.
Please help us keep the peace here in the family friendly Forest River Forums.
Your FRF Site Team