One issue I had when getting my 2000 Four Winds on an E350 was the shop at the Ford dealer "knew better" than I did as far as the caster. It didn't drive significantly better afterwards, but I learned three valuable lessons:
1) If they won't accept your request for maximum +caster, take it elsewhere. Don't let the "experts" tell you otherwise - there's way too much evidence these units need a lot of +caster, the more, the better.
2) Don't go to Ford dealers. They wanted x amount of $ to do the alignment, that should have been it. But no, 10 minutes into the alignment, they tell me it needs parts to change the alignment... $75 more please! I replied they quoted me a price, that should include everything needed to align it. I agreed to a small amount, but not $75 more. Nearly all Ford dealers are bad for this behavior.
3) If you go to a Ford dealer, don't trust they torqued the fasteners. We were in Arches national park, a thousand miles from home when the front end fell apart. After finding the bushing a couple miles away from where I finally found a parking area, I re-installed it, set the camber to an eye-balled zero, and tightened it. Then I checked the rest of the fasteners, only to find they were all loose. I was, and still am furious. I had quite the conversation with the service manager when I got back home. He was supposed to get back to me a week later, and never called. My second phone call to him was cordial, but he could tell, I was not gonna back down.
Those experiences coupled with other Ford disasters is why I now own a Sunseeker on Chevrolet chassis. I've not spent one red dime on the front end, because it doesn't need the kind of work Ford always requires.