I have a 25’ Forester LE with the v8 7.3. I have driven it for 3 yrs. It has 28,000 miles. I try to always drive at 65 mph. I get between 9 and 12 miles per gallon depending on the terrain. It’s a 2351 model. Weighs Approximately 12,000 pounds.For those of you with the Ford V8, 7.3, what kind of mileage are you getting. I’ve read everywhere between 6-12mpg. Specifically, I’m looking at the 27’ 2441 or 2440 model. Thanks.
Both of my Ford dash computers consistently overstate my mileage by ~10%. I always those numbers 'guesstimates', and calculate the actual fuel economy when I fill up. When I tow, if it says 9.6 mpg the actual will be 8.8 to 9.0.I have a 2441. Windy or not, with empty or full fresh water tank, 55mph- 70mph = 8mpg according to dash computer.
I have a 2023 Georgetown GT7 36D7 - 38 ft - I get 7.8 mpg and it has stayed that way solo or towing my car with a dolly.
For those of you with the Ford V8, 7.3, what kind of mileage are you getting. I’ve read everywhere between 6-12mpg. Specifically, I’m looking at the 27’ 2441 or 2440 model. Thanks.
I have a Ford F-250 Super Duty with a 7.3 L 460 engine. We pull a 2019 Rockwood Ultra Lite 2612WS 30'. We have been full time going on 5 years. Gas mileage is relative to terrain, wind, etc. , but I get a quarter tank of gas per hour, or 8.5 - 10 mpg. Don't worry about the gas, enjoy where the gas takes you!For those of you with the Ford V8, 7.3, what kind of mileage are you getting. I’ve read everywhere between 6-12mpg. Specifically, I’m looking at the 27’ 2441 or 2440 model. Thanks.
Just wondering. Why people answer questions when they have a completely different rv with a V10 not a V8 when the question asked was specific.Behave yourself with smooth acceleration, and look well ahead of you to make braking smooth…..and you should get between 8-10 MPG.
Your floor plan is very similar to our 25’ rig, except they extended your rig to put the bathroom across the back of yours.
Thor Magnitude GA22,For those of you with the Ford V8, 7.3, what kind of mileage are you getting. I’ve read everywhere between 6-12mpg. Specifically, I’m looking at the 27’ 2441 or 2440 model. Thanks.