2021 Berkshire 34B
As we get more acquainted to our coach, we have more questions. Questions are from the Forest River Maintenance section that we are looking at.
1) 6 mo, clean toilet filter? Does this unit have one?
2) 12 mo, apply reconditioner to slide room wiper seals and bulb seals….what is the best conditioner?
3) 12 mo, silicon exposed slide room hydraulic cylinder rods….where are these and what type of silicon?
Thank again for the help.
As we get more acquainted to our coach, we have more questions. Questions are from the Forest River Maintenance section that we are looking at.
1) 6 mo, clean toilet filter? Does this unit have one?
2) 12 mo, apply reconditioner to slide room wiper seals and bulb seals….what is the best conditioner?
3) 12 mo, silicon exposed slide room hydraulic cylinder rods….where are these and what type of silicon?
Thank again for the help.