On opening day this year I had to clean out 3 mouse nests and an unbelievable amount of droppings, so this winter I'm considering using a bucket-style moustrap left in the middle of the floor of the trailer. Amazon sells this one for $16 that looks like it will do the job, but I'm interested in the experiences of people who've used one of these for an extended period. We're seasonal so the trailer will be sealed up for 6 months, and while I plan on using antifreeze in the bucket, am I in for an unholy mess/smell if I leave it unattended for that long? Anyone use the Amazon trap and can comment on how well it works?
Thanks for any and all feedback.
On opening day this year I had to clean out 3 mouse nests and an unbelievable amount of droppings, so this winter I'm considering using a bucket-style moustrap left in the middle of the floor of the trailer. Amazon sells this one for $16 that looks like it will do the job, but I'm interested in the experiences of people who've used one of these for an extended period. We're seasonal so the trailer will be sealed up for 6 months, and while I plan on using antifreeze in the bucket, am I in for an unholy mess/smell if I leave it unattended for that long? Anyone use the Amazon trap and can comment on how well it works?
Thanks for any and all feedback.