Trailer Park Supervisor
Man, buying 5 cords at a time, I get it for $175/cord. $60 for a half is an awesome price! Maybe because less demand for heat in Ark.
Not to mention it could damage your truck even if it did fit. My F150 has a 2100lb payload including passengers. A cord of wood is between 2 and 3 thousand lbs.
a cord is 4ft tall 8ft long 4ft wide. people sell a rick its a rip off ..but people pay the price of a cord but get a rick. a rick is ,,, 8ft long 16/18 inch pieces wide ."FITS IN FIRE PLACES EASIER" 4ft high. not many people are honest and sell real cords of wood .
Where I live, it's all ricks. I believe it's about a half a cord. Rick is selling for $60.00 around here. N. Arkansas Mt. Home area. Never heard of a rick before moving here.
... and people say all regulations are bad.https://agr.wa.gov/services/inspect...measure for the amount of firewood being sold.
Here in WA state the sale of firewood is regulated as to what terms you can use and exactly what constitutes a cord of wood.
That's a very good application of that device....sheesh. Anyway, OP may have moved on, but just in case, we switched from a hatchet and axe to a Kindling Cracker. Works great. 8 year old grandson loves using it and we worry less about him getting an axe or hatchet injury.