I want to cover my RV roof with a tarp to protect against sun damage. I also want my solar panel to continue running to keep the battery charged. I put a clear vinyl window in the roof tarp, over the solar panel. I noticed a drop in the amps going to the battery, but everything still seemed to be working. About 2 weeks later the solar charge controller appeared dead. Nothing was showing on the LCD screen. However, I could measure 18-19 volts on the solar panel side. It was a sunny day. If I directly measured my battery it only said 4 volts. Then I peeled the tarp off the trailer and the solar panel charge controller sprang to life and seemed to be charging the battery as it should.
Any ideas why having a vinyl window in my tarp seems to kill my charge controller?
Any ideas why having a vinyl window in my tarp seems to kill my charge controller?