Rescue.Dogs said:
2) In trying to deal with it, my biggest problem right now is the dealer. I am giving them some more time, but I anticipate I will need Forrest River to get involved to get some of the issues resolved. Some of the "could not reproduce" issues are maddening, especially when the dealer claims that they test drove on the freeway, but somehow the odometer was unchanged from drop-off to pickup.
Here is the link to your warranty:
If the authorized selling dealer or local independent authorized dealer does not adequately repair the RV, the Owner must provide written NOTICE by contacting Forest River IN WRITING at Post Office Box 3030, Elkhart, Indiana 46515-3030 and advise it of any Substantial Defect(s), including a list of the Substantial Defect(s), and provide Forest River (and not the authorized dealer) an opportunity to repair the RV.
Forest River may require the Owner to deliver the RV to another authorized Forest River dealer or its factory facilities.
Forest River, at its sole option, may cover the reasonable costs of transporting the RV to its factory. Refusal to allow Forest River an opportunity to repair the RV will void warranty coverage for the identified Substantial Defect(s).
You're at the first paragraph of that warranty section. When we had problems with our new Georgetown an FR rep contacted me here, just like Barry did with you, and arranged for factory repairs at no cost to us at all. They arranged for a professional driver to pick up the motorhome, drive it to the factory, and return it. This was during the peak of COVID so that may be part of the reason FR handled it all; I do not know.
Your dealer experience, tragically, is too common rather than uncommon. Unlike car dealers an RV dealer is not a franchise accountable to the manufacturer in many ways so the manufacturer needs to pick up the slack. During our pre-purchase research one of the things we liked about FR was they seemed to understand that dealers (as a group) were less than accommodating and did intervene, unlike other manufacturers.
My point on this is:
Do not delay contacting FR. Barry Hughes gave you the best advice. You simply will experience more frustration and problems. I did not need to contact that PO Box at all; my FR rep handled it all.
I've read posts from many people who arranged with FR to drive to the factory in Elkhart, IN for repairs. Their motorhome was picked up from the FR parking lot (where they have at least electric hookup) and brought back each day for them to overnight in. Many times it took less than one day for all of the repairs.
Your profile does not show your location so I have no idea where you're located. You could even be in Canada.
Good luck, but do yourself a favor and cut the dealer off at the knees right now. They won't care that you went to the factory because it frees up their obligation to you for those repairs.