no worries, we Veteran's have our own day of celebration. Memorial Day is reserved for those who have died in our nation's service.
(although, over the years it has come to mean honoring many others to whom have passed on as well....and that is also a good thing)
My father fought in WWII, at the battle of IWO JIMA. He watched the flag infamous raisings. (one of the lucky ones) Even though he didn't die in the war, he always said part of him did...and he was never the same again. He did the best he could, and lived a long life...and he flew that American Flag every day he was alive. His flag still flies today. We never forget. God bless you Dad!
While I'm telling stories...
My father passed away a few years ago...just a few days before Memorial Day. Our family was all still in our hometown after the funeral, and we went to the annual Parade and service at the cemetery flagpole. At the ceremmony, they gave a 21 gun salute followed by a bugler playing Taps.
There were a couple hundred people gathered in a large circle at the cemetery flagpole. They asked all those that served our country to step forward. From our family, my uncle and myself stepped forward. We held hands while everyone clapped and thanked us. I felt so much pride at that moment, I can't even explain it. It was one of life's moments I'll never forget.
Thanks for banner Radio. Nice job.